Indoor Air Quality Certification 室內空氣質素
IAQ Certification Scheme
Service Description
Problem Statment In Hong Kong, investigations show that indoor air pollution is even problematic than outdoors! The time we stay indoors gets longer and longer, it is more important and urgent to keep it good and prevent the problem indoor air pollution. Environmental Protection Department has launched Indoor Air Quality Certification (IAQ) Scheme since 2003. This seminar is good for IAQ Certifications. Contents 1. IAQ Certification scheme 2. Why people would feel tired in shopping centres, offices and classrooms? That’s a high concentration of carbon dioxide. 3. Why would office executives suffer from skin allergy, dizzy, conjunctivitis and bronchitis? 4. Legionellosis can kill us in just minutes! 5. Office and household renovation produces radon gas, however, accumulated inhalation would cause lung cancer! 6. Furniture releases methanol with a strong odour harmful to our bodies! What criteria we should have in buying furniture? 7. Paper burning releases dioxins, which causes deformed babies. So are you awared of the toxic gases release from burning paper towels? 8. Cigarettes releases over 3,000 harmful substances; however, there is still 300 left even after filtered! 9. Suggested mitigation are provided. 醫學證實, 80%人體毒物由環境污染而來,於室內的有哪些來源,及我們可以處理的 法。 1. IAQ Scheme, 特別注重哪幾大項的氣體? 2. 人體對那些氣體有甚麼反應?為何空氣質素影響我們生產力! 3. 為何人口稠密的商場、課室,容易令人懨懨慾睡? 4. 影印機症候群,帶來哪些面部、皮膚和呼吸問題? 5. 退伍軍症,幾分鐘就足以致命! 它的散播途徑是甚麼? 6. 家俱、裝修釋放的氡氣、甲醛,引起強烈敏感、不適! 我們應如何選購傢俱呢? 7. 紙張製作和焚燒,氯與酚化物產生 二噁英 dioxins,此物質足以引起孕婦小產、或畸胎 8. 煙咀過濾後毒物,仍有接近300種.... 9. 處理及改善方法

Contact Details
+852 27702828